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A table containing two timespans.


ElapsedGameTimeTimeSpanTime since the last tick call.
TotalGameTimeTimeSpanTime since Blish HUD started.


A timespan.


DaysintegerGets the days component of the time interval.
HoursintegerGets the hours component of the time interval.
MillisecondsintegerGets the milliseconds component of the time interval.
MinutesintegerGets the minutes component of the time interval.
SecondsintegerGets the seconds component of the time interval.
TicksintegerGets the number of ticks.
TotalDaysnumberGets the value of the time interval expressed in whole and fractional days.
TotalHoursnumberGets the value of the time interval expressed in whole and fractional hours.
TotalMillisecondsnumberGets the value of the time interval expressed in whole and fractional milliseconds.
TotalMinutesnumberGets the value of the time interval expressed in whole and fractional minutes.
TotalSecondsnumberGets the value of the time interval expressed in whole and fractional seconds.