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Applies ToBlish HUD (Pathing)TacOBurrito

For in-depth details about the Pathing module's support for Lua scripting, see the Lua documentation.


Allows you to trigger Lua functions or determine if a marker is visible using a Lua function.

AttributeData TypeDefault ValueExampleDescription
script-tickstringUpdateHover()Code that is executed in the same way that OnTick code is, but with the context of a specific marker.
script-focusstringHighlight(1)Code that is executed when a marker is focused (player is within triggerRange).
script-triggerstringBuy(50, 1)Code that is executed when a marker is triggered (player is within triggerRange and autoTrigger is on or the player has pressed their interact key).
script-filterstringReadyCheck()Code that is executed every frame which returns if the marker should be visible.
script-oncestringNotify("New mission!")Code that is triggered once with the context of the specific marker.